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Definition, Vision and Mission

Insider threat involves the exploitation of privileged access, unintentionally or maliciously, to an organization's sensitive and mission critical assets, including its personnel, causing negative impact.


Insider risk management involves a holistic, enterprise-wide approach to the enhancement of detection and response controls to proactively mitigate a threat.

Founded in 2022, the Canadian Insider Risk Management Centre of Excellence (CInRM CoE) is federally incorporated under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, as a public service body, not-for-profit entity and soliciting corporation, based at Carleton University, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA).

In the current era of great power competition, effective insider risk management is imperative to safeguard national security, promote economic stability, and ensure the integrity of research and development, as it mitigates vulnerabilities that adversaries may exploit to undermine Canada’s strategic advantage and resilience.  Our value proposition is based on providing a national benchmark on present-day standards and best practices on insider risk management for the larger Canadian community of practice.  This is founded on academic research studies, consultation with industry subject matter experts, and the establishment of close partnerships with our counterparts in the international Five Eyes community.

The CInRM CoE promotes academic, private, and public partnerships to generate academic research, provides training and learning opportunities, promotes knowledge sharing, and augments resources and capabilities in the professional market to mitigate insider threats to Canadian organizations and critical infrastructure.  The scope of its services are offered to all Canadian federal, provincial, territorial (FPT) and indigenous organizations—with a particular focus on fostering critical infrastructure (CI) resiliency—subject to resourcing. 

The CInRM CoE fosters an interdisciplinary approach to insider risk management towards the promotion of industry best practices and innovation within an evolving threat environment.  Funded by industry contributions and research grants, we offer a national and centralized capability on all matters related to insider risk management.  Our products and services include research and analysis, facilitating workshops and knowledge sharing events with subject matter experts, generating lessons learned, providing workplace training, and advocating for new initiatives to enhance Canada’s collective resiliency against insider threats.  This work is established on a foundation of information sharing among a trusted community of security, intelligence, and defence professionals.

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Become a sponsor


The benefits of sponsorship include research into an insider risk management issue relevant to your organization and developing the risk mitigation practitioners and researchers of tomorrow.

¹Our founding partners provide the CInRM CoE with dedicated annual funding to support our operations, in addition to being strategic advisors in establishing the wider Canadian community of practice.


²Our partners provide the CInRM CoE with:
a) facilitation of dialogue with industry stakeholders;
b) fostering awareness of the CInRM CoE;
c) in-kind support; and/or,
d) sponsorship.


³The Federal Advisory Committee provides support and guidance to the CInRM CoE's operations concerning:

a) academic research initiatives;

b) program development; and,

c) operations;

to enhance the quality of the CInRM CoE and promote best practices in Canadian InRM.


*The CInRM CoE encourages diverse opinions concerning the mitigation of insider threats and the fostering of critical discourse.  Points-of-view (POV) represent the perspectives of our occasional contributors and may not be representative of the CInRM CoE.


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© 2025 by Canadian Insider Risk Management Centre of Excellence | Centre d'excellence canadien pour la gestion des risques internes

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