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The Team

Who We Are


Victor Munro

Executive Director

Sessional Lecturer, Carleton University, Insider Risk, Threat, and Mitigation


Lead Researcher, CInRM CoE, Insider Threat Monitoring Theory


Lead, CInRM CoE, Centralized Insider Threat Dataset (CITD)


Co-Author - Limitations & Opportunities in Reporting Insider Threats


Insider threat typology - An analysis of motivational and behavioural attributes related to the violent extremist insider threat type (in process of peer review for academic journal publication)

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Unfortunately, when a compromise occurs, it could become front page news and it can damage the reputation of the affected organization


Canadian Security (Winter 2021)

Brian Thompson

Chief Learning Officer

Instructor, CInRM CoE, Practical Certificate in Insider Risk Management - Foundations for Screening and Risk Factors

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William Beiersdorfer

Senior Advisor and Associate Instructor

Instructor, CInRM CoE, Practical Certificate in Insider Risk Management - Insider Risk Management 360

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Denis Desnoyers

Associate Instructor

Instructor, CInRM CoE, Practical Certificate in Insider Risk Management - Investigations

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Investigators also consider “environmental factors” of the institution in question


Breach of trust is a big piece...That and fraud


Now somebody’s shined a light on what’s going on, and what was acceptable (in) that culture, all this lack of training, lack of moral standards, records – now it’s all sort of imploding


Global News (November 2015)

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Paul Huston

Associate Instructor

Instructor, CInRM CoE, Practical Certificate in Insider Risk Management - Program Building


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...people in the security industry need to be able to bring together skillsets from various areas of a corporation to effectively address the different types of risks they face. With this skill...  security professionals must also develop a better appreciation of risk and move away from... black and white “yes or no” responses.


Canadian Security (March 2022)


Daniel Bertrand

Associate Instructor

Instructor, CInRM CoE, Practical Certificate in Insider Risk Management - Open Source Research and Intelligence

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Emanuel Lukawiecki

Program Coordinator

Project Support, CInRM CoE, Centralized Insider Threat Dataset (CITD)


Lead Coordinator, CInRM CoE, Canadian Insider Threat Awareness Month (CITAM)

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Individuals who have contributed original Canadian research on insider risk management

Occasional Contributors

Interdisciplinary Views Informing on Insider Risk Management

Individuals providing points-of-view (POV) on the management of insider threats*

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Steering Committee

Provides a governance structure within Carleton University, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, and strategic guidance informed by academia and the industry at large.

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